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The RECLAIM (Reclaiming Forgotten Cities – Turning cities from vulnerable spaces to healthy places for people) network is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for towns and cities to find the information and support you need to install green and blue infrastructure in your communities and put you in touch with others with similar experiences.

RECLAIM will build a community of practice, which reconsiders urban green and blue infrastructure in a holistic way, identifying and addressing knowledge gaps and implementation challenges, and helping to fast-track solutions which improve the sustainability of cities and their resilience to climate and societal challenges.

RECLAIM will focus on developing and promoting Green-Blue-Grey Infrastructure (GBGI) for public spaces through activities such as webinars, meetings, workshops, CPD courses and funding to carry out proof of concept, scoping and feasibility studies as well as fostering placements to allow short-duration researcher and job exchanges among partners.

RECLAIM is an EPSRC-funded Network+ grant (£1.2m). It is led by the University of Surrey’s Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) in collaboration with the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Universities of Bath, Bangor and Warwick.

Members will receive email updates and be able to participate in network activities, have access to information generated by the project and be able to contact other members.


Please follow the instructions below to submit a free membership form to be part of the RECLAIM Network +.

Personal details
Strength indicator
Type of work
What are your interest areas (choose as many as needed)?
What is your area of expertise (choose as many as needed)?
What benefits are you interested in (choose as many as needed)?
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